Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Unity/ Harmony

Unity/ Harmony is combining different colours and putting them together to create an interest or drama. The background had repetition and the different types of colours put together make the background stand out in the picture. This image pulls different visual images together to make one big picture; every picture links to another picture. This is a good example of the principle Unity/ Harmony because this picture uses repetition and rhythm to create an area of attention.


Rhythm is the interest and/or drama in the picture. It is represted by repetition of shapes in the picture. The same shapes are used but in places which make the picture more interesting. This is a good example of the principle Rhythm because you can see the repetition happening in the picture. It creates an illusion of movement by repeating shapes.


Contrast is when colours in the picture draw your attention. The colours that are together are opposite of each other on the colour wheel. The blend of the colours make the images on this advertistment stand out and interest you. This is a good example of the principle contrast because the colours reflecting off each other make this advertisement interesting and catches your eye very quickly.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Emphasis is the mix of different colorus put together to make a picture. In this picture, different types of colour come together to make one big picture. This is a good axample of the principle Emphasis because there are different tones of colours that make the big image stand out. The shapes in this picture are the about the same shape but different colours and tones.


Proportion is when an objects in the picture are bigger than other objects in a picture. In this picture, the coffee cup stands out the most because it is the biggest object in the picture. If the coffee cup were smaller, the newspaper on the left would stand out the most. This is a good example of the principle proportion because the big objects in this picture are applied to give more emphasis on the meaning of this advertisement.


Balance is the balance between two shades and shapes. In this picture, the black background makes the white letters stand out and the white background makes the black lettes stand out. This is a good exampled of  the principle balance because the smaller objects beside the bigger objects makes everything draw attention to the big picture.